Meeting March 18 in Chattanooga, the TVPPA board of directors approved nominations of individuals to seats on three ad hoc nominating committees – for at-large directors, board officers and the Distinguished Service Award.

In other business, the board took up issues including:

DER Flexibility Research Project: TVPPA board members received an update on the three DER FRP initiatives that are going through project review. These projects will give members the latitude to add distributed generation to their portfolios, enabling them to better compete with third parties already offering their customers/consumers behind-the-retail-meter solutions.

Board Negotiating Team: Briefed the full board regarding its ongoing conversation with TVA regarding future transmission projects.

Bylaws/Resolutions/Board Policies: The board reviewed bylaws changes and resolutions that will be presented to TVPPA’s membership at the Annual Business Meeting in May. The recommended bylaws changes and resolutions will be sent in tandem with the official notice of the Annual Business Meeting, which will be sent no fewer than 30 days prior to the meeting.

Communications Advisory Group: The CAG reported that it recently shared with TVA a set of recommended guidelines for improving the effectiveness of joint public communications with LPCs and marketing materials developed by TVA for LPC use. The aim of the guidelines is to clearly define LPC needs and to increase the likelihood that communications toolkits developed by TVA will beneficial to and more widely used by LPCs.

Subsidiary Loans: The TVPPA board discussed TVA’s structure for collateralization of cooperatives’ loans from the electric side of their business to subsidiaries. The board considered an alternative proposal from TVPPA Contract Compliance Advisory Group and voted to support the group’s presentation of and negotiation on the alternative proposal to TVA.