TVPPA’s Research & Development Committee, in partnership with TVA, invites you to submit your ideas for R&D projects to be funded in FY25.
In FY24, the committee funded 15 projects in a variety of categories including energy storage, EV chargers, data analytics, pilot DVR studies, demand reduction, and vegetation management.
We Want to Hear from You!
This year, in order to gauge interest in the types of projects LPCs would like to see funded, the committee also invites all TVPPA members to complete the Burning Issues Survey. This one question survey seeks to determine the course of future R&D efforts by having LPC leaders and distribution engineers rank some of the key challenges and opportunities – from electrification to modernization – impacting the electric grid. Survey results, along with the types of project ideas submitted will guide the committee in its final selection of projects to receive funding.
How to Submit a Project Idea
If your LPC would like to submit a project for consideration, please complete the submission form linked from our member’s only R&D page by Friday, September 13.
If you have questions or would like more information about the submission and project identification process, please email staff liaison, Jim Sheffield, TVPPA VP, Pricing & Contracts or TVA liaison, Joseph Johnson, Sr. Program Manager, Grid Research & Development.