Connie Crouch – Brightridge


Five years into working with Distributors Insurance, Brightridge staff are notably pleased with their workers’ compensation coverage and the programs Distributors Insurance puts in place to support organizational safety. “It’s hard to say what our experience may have been had we not been with Distributors Insurance, but I can tell you that the impact of working with an insurer who provides safety guidance through efforts like the Safe Power Provider (SP2) program has definitely made a difference to us and our employees,” said Connie Crouch, Chief Employee Relations Officer at the utility located in Johnson City, Tenn.

After her organization had spent nearly 20 years working with a local broker to find the lowest cost option on the market and frequently switching insurance carriers to find the lowest rate, Crouch received a quote from Distributors Insurance. While Distributors Insurance did come back with the lowest quote to provide coverage for the local power company’s nearly 200 employees it wasn’t only the prospect of lower rates that drew Crouch’s attention. The fact that the insurance company founded and owned by TVPPA members offered the kind of industry-specific insight and services that have a proven track record of helping electric utilities define and cultivate safety-focused cultures offered a major enticement to make the change.

Talking to other TVPPA members about their positive experiences with Distributors Insurance sealed the deal. “I spoke to several HR managers and safety managers at other local power companies in the Tennessee Valley about their experience and I didn’t hear any negative feedback,” said Crouch.

Highlighting the fact that Distributors Insurance focuses its work on electric utilities, she went on to say, “Because they are subject matter experts in our industry, it’s very different than working with an insurance company that serves a multitude of industries. They understand what our employees do on a day-to-day basis, and because of that, their safety program is structured specifically for us.”

Crouch and the Brightridge staff appreciate that Distributors Insurance provides speakers for routine safety meetings and conducts site safety audits. “There’s a lot of emphasis put on safety at BrightRidge. We have monthly safety meetings. Our safety manager has a checklist that he shares with our employees and we do our own self-audits. Distributors Insurance has been able to assist us on critical topics at safety meetings and that’s been a huge help. I can tell you that we have gone quite some time without a lost-time accident. I can also say that in recent years, our MOD rate has lowered. Being a member of the SP2 program has certainly made a difference in our claims.”

In addition to the industry-specific safety training and affordable rates, Crouch also appreciates the outstanding level of client service. Noting that previous insurers that were much larger and servicing multiple industries frequently failed to follow up on claims, had high turnover in their claims departments and did not return phone calls, Crouch said “I’ve never had that issue with Distributors Insurance of a claim that hasn’t had attention in months and having to reach back out. Distributors contacts us immediately, they’re easy to get on the phone, they respond to emails quickly and they pay their claims in a timely manner.”

Crouch has now been on the receiving end of calls looking for insight on working with Distributors Insurance. “I have nothing but positive feedback. I can also say,” she added, “what a pleasant surprise it was to learn that after only being with the program for five years, Brightridge was receiving something of a rebate this year. As a public utility we are extremely frugal for our customers’ benefit so it was exciting to receive that rebate from Distributors Insurance.”